Kangaroo Dog

Kangaroo Dog

Lou prefers to be on tables than the floor, so nothing is safe from this “kangaroo” dog. So if you leave it lower than 1m, he’s sure to steal it.
Favourites are slippers, books, papers, tissues and clothing. The slippers he will happily take off your feet. Tissues from your pocket, or while trying to blow your nose and clothes while you are still wearing them. Today for example, he stole two tissues, which are now ripped up and spread around the lounge room. He stole about 5 pillows throughout the day. He broke 2 lots of blinds, stole slippers off my feet and tried to eat my jumper off me. You can’t help to forgive him though as he always gives you kisses and cuddles after, so its hard to stay mad at him for long.

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