The Tail Begins

Our tale of Lou begins after the death of our beautiful beagle Ben. We had rescued Ben from the Animal Welfare League, when he was abandoned at about 6yrs old. He was an amazing dog, well behaved, quiet and loved cuddles. We have always had beagles, so when we decided to get a new dog, a rescued beagle it was to be.

We found Lou through the Queensland Beagle Rescue website. His description was he was a loveable/energetic beagle who wasn’t, but needed to be trained. His family worked and didn’t have time to walk or train him, so they were giving him for free to a good home. In the almost 2yrs they had him, he had only been walked twice and was not socialized.

FREE TO A GOOD HOME, ok so this was not going to be easy. He looked cute and since we had owned three beagles, we thought we knew what we were letting ourselves in for.


Beagles need a lot of attention, they like to dig and run away. They are obsessed by food and once their nose touches the ground they zone out and become in essence deaf to the rest of the world. They are extremely smart and clever which can get them into lots of trouble. All this we were prepared for but Lou was so much more.


♥ Barks at everything       – people, adults through to children (especially wearing dark clothing -No he is not the  fashion police.)
                                              – dogs, all kinds – big to tiny
                                             – cars, bikes, old people in motorized scooters/ wheelchairs.
♥ Jumps like a kangaroo, climbs like a mountain goat.
♥ Thinks he can fly – he runs like a cheetah and almost takes off he can run so fast.
♥ Extremely hyperactive
♥ Loves to give kisses – on the FACE
♥ Loves to bite peoples noses and hands
♥ Destroyer of furniture, blinds, shoes, clothes, pillows, blankets, toys,books and so much more.
♥ Loves cuddles
♥ Loves food – especially watermelon and Scooby snacks
♥ Loves his best friend Tiger-lily (my cat) who is yet to feel the same way about her new doggy companion.